Currently, ketogenetic dieting is hot and it deserves the popularity due to its impact on weight loss. So I would like to help you out with giving a list of supplements you could, or maybe should, add into your diet to get the best results. But before we get into the supplements, first some more information about the ketogenetic diet.
Ketogenic diet - basic information
Keto diet is a diet with a very high intake of fats, roughly 70% of your nutritional intake, moderate protein intake (25%) and a very low intake of carbohydrates (5%). You may be wondering, how does consuming fat help you to lose fat?
To understand this better, we will have to go back to basics.
Your body gets primarily its energy from the carbohydrates from your foods. When there is a shortage of carbohydrates, your body goes into a catabolic state. This means that it will start breaking down cells from within your body. This can happen through two metabolic processes, gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis. Gluconeogenesis is when your body starts burning stored glucose for energy. But when there is a shortage of glucose, your body will start ketogenesis. This means it will start burning fat as an energy source.
When your body uses ketone bodies instead of glucose for energy, your body will have low blood glucose levels and therefore no stimuli for insulin, which drastically reduces the storage of fat and glucose. In other words, you use stored fat for energy, and your body stops storing fat and sugar. Therefore, you will lose weight. (while being on a caloric deficit, of course.)
Now that is clear, let’s get into
My top 5 supplements to use while on keto diet
One of the drawbacks of following a keto diet is that you will not have a sufficient magnesium intake due to the low magnesium foods a keto diet has. A magnesium deficiency could cause mood problems, fatigue, migraines, irregular sleep and more. It is a mineral which shouldn’t be underestimated nor forgotten! Therefore, it is highly advised to take magnesium supplements to ensure the intake of this mineral.
Magnesium malate pills should be a good choice to use while you are on the keto diet!

MCT oil
Another supplement which may help you while trying to lose weight on a keto diet is MCT oil. This oil helps release the two hormones peptide YY and leptin, they help feeling full. Just 2 teaspoons with breakfast already have an impact on your feeling of fullness. MCT oil is also great for burning more fat, ketone production and improve your gut environment.
I suggest you try the MCT oil from Jarrow Formulas!

Is another very important mineral which shouldn’t be neglected. While being on a keto diet, you will eat less potassium due to the diet restrictions. Potassium supports the blood pressure, bone and muscle strength and cardiovascular health. When potassium levels are low, you might experience weakness, constipation and feel tired.
A great supplement to maintain your potassium levels is Potassium Citrate from Jarrow Formulas.

Fiber sources are also often low while on a keto diet. Unfortunately, fiber is very important to maintain a healthy bowel, keep the cholesterol levels low and control blood sugar. To include more fiber sources into your keto diet, you could include more vegetables or nuts and seeds such as chia seeds into your diet. On the other hand, you could also use supplements. An excellent source of fiber from supplements is Fiber -3 from NOW. It includes active compounds such as golden flax seeds, acacia gum and inulin which are superb sources of fiber.

Last but definitely not least, Calcium. Calcium helps build and maintain strong bones and supports your heart, muscles, nerves to function properly. A calcium deficit doesn’t affect you immediately but over time it could increase the risk of osteoporosis. To make sure you consume enough calcium you could consider a supplement such as Calcium-Magnesium tablets from Scitec. Besides calcium, this supplement also includes magnesium which also possibly is needed during a keto diet as mentioned before. Give it a try and see if you notice improvements on your muscular system, bones and joints!

And with that said, my top 5 is complete. What do you think of my top 5? Have I missed any other important supplements? Let me know in the comments!
Written by Sven Nicholson | Online Personal Trainer @
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