Pancakes are often associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and therefore banned from most diets. Luckily, I am here to help you implement pancakes into your healthy diet without giving in on your results!
Pancakes - what's the catch?
You might have tried searching healthy pancakes before and found millions of hits on google. I will make it simple for you with this blog in which I will present 3 different kinds of healthy pancakes based on certain goals. These pancake recipes are easy, simple and quick to make, but before we start on the recipes, let’s learn about why these pancakes are healthy!
Unhealthy Pancakes
To learn about healthy pancakes, it is important to know why pancakes are unhealthy. More specifically, what ingredients of a regular pancake make them unhealthy? First of all, there are many different kinds of pancakes, they vary from ingredients, size, taste and toppings.
But in general, it can be said that most ‘normal’ pancakes lack nutritious ingredients and have an excessive amount of sugars, sodium and fats. Especially pancakes from a pre-made mix which will also include E-numbers to give the pancakes better colours, flavours and shelf life. And to top it all off, overindulging on the pancake toppings such as syrup, jam, Nutella etc. has a huge effect on the sugar levels of your pancake.
Luckily, these unhealthy components can be substituted with healthy alternatives, which can turn an unhealthy meal into a healthy one! However, important to know is that no matter which pancake you eat, it is healthier to keep a balanced diet and therefore not eating every single day pancakes, no matter how tempting that is!
Enough talking, let’s get into the recipes!
The healthier pancake.
This is a regular pancake, made healthier. To do this you will need the following ingredients;
- 1,5 cups of Whole wheat flour
- 2 tablespoons of baking powder
- 0,5 teaspoon salt
- 2 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- 0,75 cup of plain non-fat Greek yoghurt
- 0,75 cup of milk
Mix these ingredients together and you will have a nice and thick pancake mix. Add some fruits as topping and there you have it! A healthier pancake from real ingredients which will definitely give you energy and fill you up!
The weight loss pancake.
This pancake can be included into your diet while trying to lose weight. This means it is low in calories, a good amount of protein and carbs to make them ideal as a pre-workout meal!
The following ingredients will be needed;
- 0,5 cup of Oats
- 0,25 cup of Low-fat Greek Yoghurt
- 1 banana (use ¾ or half a banana to lower the amount of carbs!)
- 2 egg whites (Separate the egg yolk)
- 0,25 teaspoon of baking powder
- 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
- 1 cup of blueberries
Add the ingredients together except from the blueberries, put these on top of the pancakes while they are in the pan and enjoy!

The protein pancake.
This pancake is meant to be included in your diet while trying to gain muscle mass and get stronger muscles. It carries a few healthy fats, very high in protein and a nice amount of carbs.

The following ingredients will be needed;
- 1 banana
- 1 scoop of MZ Whey Protein Powder
- A Large egg
- Teaspoon of coconut oil to cook with
As you can see, a very simple recipe with big effects! See the comparison table below for its awesome nutritional values!

Nutrients per serving | The regular pancake | The healthier pancake | The weight loss pancake | The protein pancake |
Protein: | 8 grams | 12 grams | 17 grams | 33 grams |
Carbs: | 90 grams | 50 grams | 41 grams | 32 grams |
Fat: | 14 grams | 11 grams | 3 grams | 10 grams |
Calories | 518 | 347 | 262 | 350 |
A comparison of the different pancakes and its nutritional values.

So, lets recap! You can definitely include pancakes into your diet. However, do not overindulge, especially regarding your toppings and try to keep them as healthy as possible such as fruits, nuts or the sugar free Booster Protein Cream!
We would love to know what you think of these pancakes and if you know even healthier pancake recipes! Comment down below your favourite pancakes and if you have any requests for upcoming blogs let us know as well!
Written by Sven Nicholson | Online Personal Trainer @