Vital mushrooms and their properties

Very often we are talking about a more natural approach to improve health. Then, we suggest supplementation with herbal supplements. However, we should never forget about another natural source of healthy substances - mushrooms. Mycotherapy is otherwise a field of medicine focused on treatment with the use of various fungi. Natural medicine has known the properties of mycotherapy for thousands of years and knows how to use them to support us correctly.

    What is mycotherapy

    Therapy with vital mushrooms is most popular in the Far East, more specifically in China. There mainly Reishi, Shiitake, and Maitake mushrooms are used for mycotherapy. But it is not only in China that the value of mushrooms was appreciated. As early as the 16th century in Eastern Europe, the fruiting bodies of the mushrooms were also used in various therapies.

    The action of mushrooms is mainly focused on stimulating the immune system, which results in the improvement of the immune response. Shitake mushrooms are most commonly used in the supportive treatment of stomach, colon, and breast cancer.


    Fresh Shiitake mushrooms
    Fresh Shiitake mushrooms

    Moving on to the details on what, what mushroom should be used for, let's focus on the shiitake mushroom. Its activity helps in treating cardiovascular ailments, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol levels. Thanks to the active ingredient contained in the mushroom, blood platelets can be prevented from clumping together, thus reducing the risk of developing blood clots.

    Not only the support of the treatment of chronic diseases can be the reason for shiitake supplementation. In the tradition of the Far East, this mushroom is considered to support human longevity. It helps to regain vitality, strengthen the body, and helps to cope with excessive stress. It also prevents the aging process of cells and their premature apoptosis.


    Fresh Reishi mushrooms
    Fresh Reishi mushrooms

    Too high sugar levels, creating the risk of diabetes is the bane of modern times. Therapy with medicinal mushrooms can help us cope with this issue. In this case, it is worth reaching for Reishi mushrooms.

    The sterile environment in which we live is causing more and more allergies. If we would like to support the therapy with a fungus showing anti-allergic properties, it is worth considering including reishi mushrooms. They inhibit histamine activity, which is the substance that is involved in the allergic reaction of the human organism.

    The development of inflammation in the body can be severe and painful. However, Reishi is sometimes called a natural painkiller, as it shows the potential to treat inflammation states making them more severe. Taking into account the lesser risk of side effects in the near future mushrooms could be the staple in a home first aid kit!

    Vital mushrooms in the diet

    If you want to introduce vital mushrooms into your diet, you have two options - either reach for supplements or tap into the culinary potential of shiitake. For example, Shiitake mushrooms taste is characterized by a meaty note, you can use it as an addition to the dinner.


    If you are looking for more interesting way of adding vital mushrooms to your diet, Apollo's Hegemony has created a blend of coffee and various vital mushrooms which can be great and healthier substitute for normal black coffee - Try Mushroom Coffee from Apollo's Hegemony!
    If you are looking for more interesting way of adding vital mushrooms to your diet, Apollo's Hegemony has created a blend of coffee and various vital mushrooms which can be great and healthier substitute for normal black coffee - Try Mushroom Coffee from Apollo's Hegemony!

    Remember though to not prolong the heat treatment process for too long. In such case the mushroom will be harder to chew on comfortably. To increase the quality of the mushrooms taste, soak them with water a few hours before cooking them.

    Tags: reishi, shiitake, vital mushrooms

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