White mulberry – for diabetes and slimming

Juices, supplements, tea, and even tinctures and preserves made of white mulberry are widely used in phytotherapy and in the kitchen. The most important of these is to maintain the balance of metabolism of carbohydrates in the body and reduce the absorption of sugars. White mulberry is used as support in counteracting diabetes complications and helps maintain healthy body weight. How to use white mulberry? What properties does this unusual plant have?

    What is white mulberry

    The most commonly used type of mulberry is white mulberry (Morus alba), although black, pink and red mulberry are also used. Raw materials are obtained from almost the entire white mulberry plant - from leaves, roots and its edible fruits. Mulberry leaves are by far the richest source of active substances with a beneficial effect on health. White mulberry teas and dietary supplements are based on leaf extracts, which are a rich source of B vitamins (B1 - thiamine, B2 - riboflavin, B6 - pyridoxine) and vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). Also, white mulberry leaves contain substances that lower blood sugar levels and regulate carbohydrate metabolism. Edible sweet fruits improve bowel function, relieves stomach and duodenal ulcer symptoms and removes free radicals from the body.

    Benefits of white mulberry

    The ingredients contained in white mulberry leaves inhibit the activity of enzymes that break down complex sugars (sucrose and starch) into simple sugars (e.g. glucose), which reduces their absorption in the digestive tract. In this way, some carbohydrates remain undigested and excreted from the body in its original form without being metabolised. This, in turn, lowers blood sugar levels. Therefore, infusions and dietary supplements based on white mulberry leaf extracts are a valuable drink not only for diabetics but also for people who want to lose some excessive weight.

    Less glucose in the body means less fat deposits. In this way, components of white mulberry, by blocking the breakdown of carbohydrates and reducing the absorption of sugars, reduce the number of calories supplied with the food to the body. As a consequence, they significantly support the weight loss process. Translating this into practical language - starch from pasta and potatoes only has a limited effect on blood glucose. What’s more - white mulberry ingredients also reduce appetite, especially for sweets. These properties of white mulberry make it an effective ally in the fight against obesity.

    There are many ways to use the health benefits of white mulberry. Dried white mulberry fruit is widely available in the stores - it is a sweet, healthy snack, especially recommended for diabetics. Fresh white mulberry fruits are edible, sweet, although slightly bland, it can be consumed even by children. They resemble blackberries fruits.

    Mulberry fruits are also used for the production of tinctures, juices, wines, compotes, liqueurs, jams and marmalades. Tinctures, juices and mulberry syrups have anti-inflammatory effects and constrict the respiratory mucosa. Hence their use in the traditional medicine in the fight against infections, in the treatment of cough or bronchitis.

    Benefits of mulberry fruits
    Benefits of mulberry fruits

    White mulberry infusion

    The use of white mulberry by drinking infusions is popular. In herb stores, you can get dried white mulberry leaves for the preparation of herbal teas and as an addition to herbal mixtures. In folk medicine, white mulberry infusions have been used for centuries as an antipyretic, diuretic and lactating stimulant. However, regular use of white mulberry leaf extracts in the form of dietary supplements, e.g. in the form of capsules with white mulberry leaf extract, is a much more convenient form.

    Tags: folk medicine, mulberry, natural medicine, white mulberry

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