Why is it worth to use WPC

Which whey protein is your favourite one? Do you mix it with water or milk? In our redaction, we love Caramel flavour, mixed with milk and ice! Delicious!

Protein powder is convenient to use, easy to transport, and very tasty. The role of protein as a macronutrient in the diet is very important, so it’s worth enriching your diet with a flavoured protein, because it will be helpful when composing our diet.

    What is the role of protein in our diet?

    Protein is an important building material for our nervous and glandular tissues. It’s part of body fluids, as well as blood, enzymes and hormones. The protein also participates in very important regulatory and transport processes for our body. During the day, in the case of a person who is not very active, the protein disintegrates even to 280g, of which about 60-80% is converted in cells into new protein molecules. However, about 20-40% is oxidized. Therefore, the amount of protein that is recommended for an adult who is not physically active is 1g per kilogram of body weight. So much protein is enough to offset losses. This looks a bit different in case of active people, because they need a bit more of it in their body. It’s estimated that with the case of strength sports, athletes should consume approximately 1.8-2g of protein per kilogram of body weight. Its greater consumption only makes sense during reduction diets, but then we convert protein into lean body mass. It’s worth mentioning that the largest losses of protein in our body occurs during intense muscle work, therefore, for the proper regeneration of our body, we need adequate protein intake after the end of the training session. The protein, especially in the athlete's diet, is an essential ingredient that will help maintain transport efficiency. In addition, the protein also participates in the development and regeneration of our tissues and affects the regulation of our body and is one of the energy sources.

    WPC, what is it?

    MZ Whey from our brand will be optimal choice if you want to supplement WPC!
    MZ Whey from our brand will be optimal choice if you want to supplement WPC!

    WPC means whey protein concentrate. WPC is a milk protein derived from micro or ultrafiltration processes. These processes are directed to the maximum use of the product, so that the losses are minimal. Whey proteins contain about 60-80% whey. The rest is milk sugar (lactose), as well as a small amount of fat. The great advantage of these proteins is the high content of essential EAA amino acids, i.e. those that we must provide with food. It contains a large dose of BCAA, or branched chain amino acids, namely:

    - leucine

    - valine

    - isoleucine

    They are amino acids that are necessary to start regenerative processes. Due to the presence of lactose, these proteins are extremely tasty, but people who do not tolerate lactose must be wary of proteins of this type, because in their case, the intake of whey proteins can cause intestinal problems.

    Why WPC?

    WPC are proteins that are most recommended and also chosen by athletes. Because of its attractive price, as well as the possibilities when using it. Moreover, in addition to the presence of exogenous amino acids, whey present in WPC stimulates protein synthesis and positively influences the regeneration between training.

    It’s worth mentioning that the research, which was carried out on protein supplements, in particular WPC, showed unanimously that they have a positive effect on our body, in particular on the cardiovascular system. Thanks to antiviral and antibacterial properties, they strengthen our body, increasing our natural immunity.


    The diet does not have to be boring or distasteful. Therefore, it’s worth introducing products that will allow a reduction period into your menu, but not only to go through so that our taste buds do not suffer. Supplying WPC will be an interesting form of new meals, and will also allow us to save time on their preparation, which we can use in a different way.

    Tags: best whey protein, milk protein, protein, whey, whey protein, wpc

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