Workout trivia

What is plyometric training

What is plyometric training

Under the influence of plyometric training occurs the adaptation of muscles to work in a larger range of motion, so that increases the motor characteristic, which is flexibility. Plyometric training is a set of specific exercises that develop muscle power, thereby increasing the parameters of acceleration and jumping. The combination […]

Starting training? Test yourself first!

Starting training? Test yourself first!

The most important goal of training is to introduce physical activity into everyday life and improve our health. We train due to various reasons – to lose weight, gain muscle mass, increase stamina, endurance, improve strength results etc. However, not all of us can start training. There are a whole […]

Should you run in the morning?

Should you run in the morning?

In the pursuit of a beautiful and athletic figure, we use various types of physical activity. Jogging is one of the most simple and popular ones. You can run alone, with a partner or with a dog, at any time of the year or day. But the question often arises […]

DMHA – a successor to DMAA?!

DMHA – a successor to DMAA?!

The world of supplements does not tolerate emptiness. At a time when one substance is blocked by sanitary regulations, another twin immediately appears. This is also the case for prohormones, gab modulators, or substances found in pre-workout supplements. Pre workout boosters with DMAAWhat is DMHA?How does DMHA work like?Benefits of […]

Barbell Press Vs. Dumbbell Press

Barbell Press Vs. Dumbbell Press

If you’re looking to add as much raw size to your chest in the most efficient way possible, there’s no question that heavy presses are the way to go. Fly movements can certainly be included at the end of your chest workout for complete, well-rounded development, but heavy pressing movements […]

The best time for workout

The best time for workout

What is the best time of day to work out? I wouldn’t blame you if you were confused about this because everyone seems to have an opinion: Conventional wisdom says train in the morning to start your day right and improve compliance. Pas research has uncovered evidence that training in […]

Portrait of a focused shirtless sportsman doing exercises with small fitness ball outdoors

Does Your Core Work for You?

We’ve all heard it from strength coaches and training partners. “Keep your core tight. Tighten up your abs.” Okay, what does that even mean? Are they just saying suck in your gut, or is there something special about this core-tightening thing? StabilizationThe Core DefinedStabilizing TechniquesPelvic Floor Contraction Controlling BreathingSummary Stabilization […]

Well Developed Glutes

Well Developed Glutes

Winning a bikini contest, locking out world record deadlifts, jumping higher or sprinting faster. All of these scenarios have one thing in common: a strong, powerful, well-developed set of glutes. Bottom line, well-developed glutes benefit everyone.When it comes to extending the hips, the glutes are the prime mover.Barbell Hip ThrustsSingle-Leg […]

Step Ups for level up!

Step Ups for level up!

You won’t find better exercise for building the lower body than the squat. However, that doesn’t mean squats should be the only tool in your toolbox! Step up!Dumbbell Side Step-UpDumbbell Forward Step-UpBarbell Front Step-UpDecline Step-UpReverse Step-UpSome tips Step up! Recently, single-leg training has been championed as a suitable alternative to […]

The best way for your Upper Back

The best way for your Upper Back

There are a few different exercises out there that will improve your back. From lateral pulldowns to deadlifts, the focus is to get wide at the top, narrow at the bottom, and thick all throughout. From an aesthetic standpoint, nothing looks better than that big V-taper in a form-fitting shirt. […]

What to do with plateaus?

What to do with plateaus?

It doesn’t matter if you are beginner, intermediate or advanced trainee; plateaus are simply part of the training process and must be strategically dealt with. Once you hit a plateau, how you choose to manipulate your sets, reps, and training loads will dictate whether or not you remain stagnant or […]

Squat Jump

Squat Jump

The squat jump is the ultimate combination exercise and it’s a real ass-kicker to boot, taking the mechanics of a squat and adding the power component of a jump. Some coaches have publically praised the jump squat for its ability to effectively develop lower body power, yet to the mainstream […]

Past Failure – who can train like that?

Past Failure – who can train like that?

It seems every day someone comes along with a new and improved system of weight training scientifically designed to stimulate the muscle fibres unlike any other program ever could. Don’t give up!Taking over itThe basic principles of Beyond Failure training Don’t give up! First and foremost, it is imperative to […]

Bigger and Stronger Calves

Bigger and Stronger Calves

Look at your calves. You probably don’t even realize the face that you just made. That’s because most people who are serious about building a stronger, better-looking body are likely to express disgust and disappointment when they peek at their calves. Some people think they don’t have the genetics to […]

Cardio Adaptation – How This Work?

Cardio Adaptation – How This Work?

The more you train, the more efficient you get at doing the workouts, until you need a more challenging workout to keep improving. Chasing progression is actually what makes this a fun, lifelong endeavour. Your body adapts every which way from here to Sunday, in every bodily homeostatic system. Outside […]

Manipulating your carbohydrates

Manipulating your carbohydrates

Want to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? Want to have a ripped physique but also have super-freak strength? Having a great training program and doing some cardio will get you far, but to get massive muscle and be lean, it’s all about manipulating your macronutrients – […]

The Best Exercise for great triceps!

The Best Exercise for great triceps!

What is the best mass-builder out for triceps? Some might argue that it’s the skull crusher because it targets the meaty, long head of the triceps. Some might be quick to say that it’s the cable press down because it effectively isolates the muscle. Those people wouldn’t be wrong but […]

4 steps to fix your Triceps

4 steps to fix your Triceps

Most folks just recognize the triceps as the muscles that extend the elbow, and while this is true, it overlooks a key part of their anatomy: the long head of the triceps crosses the shoulder to attach on the supraglenoid tubercale of the scapula. It assists the more powerful latissimus […]

Snatch like a King

Snatch like a King

Is there an exercise that can improve strength, power, agility, dynamic flexibility, coordination, balance, and overall athleticism, all while helping your deadlift and even adding thickness to your traps? There sure is. Snatch!Olympic Lifting Shoes & The Hook GripPulling Stance, Squat Stance & Snatch GripThe PocketWarm-UpBarbell Complex Movement Prep There […]

Golden 5 Training Tips

Golden 5 Training Tips

Today I will share with you my golden five tips. Many of my clients already try them, let’s see how fast you will notice amazing changes in your training? Believe in YourselfLearn Correct FormHammer Your Weak PointsMobility WorkUnilateral Exercises Believe in Yourself If you go into a set thinking you […]

Master the Muscle-Up

Master the Muscle-Up

The muscle-up is an upper body exercise that requires both pulling and pushing power and phenomenal core strength to boot. Those unfamiliar with the move say it’s just a pull-up combined with a dip, but a muscle-up is much more than that. It’s an unparalleled assault to the upper body, […]

Mastering Your Deadlift

Mastering Your Deadlift

Many people consider the deadlift as an ultimate showcase of overall strength. The entire body has to work in unison to accomplish the task. You can find a lot of information about deadlift in social media or many other websites. I would like to shear with you my thoughts to help you finally achieve deadlifting perfection. SetupNeck […]

Build Up Your Pull-Ups

Build Up Your Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are to workout routines like vegetables are to nutrition. We all know we should eat lots of fresh vegetables, but how many of us actually do? The same goes for pull-ups. It’s an exercise that should be in most of the training programs, regardless of whether the goal is strength or […]

Carbohydrates – training support

Carbohydrates – training support

Carbohydrates are sugars, otherwise known as sugars or saccharides.These are organic compounds that contain, among others, hydrogen and oxygen.Occurring in the world of plants are produced in the process of photosynthesis, in the world of animals they are produced by themselves.Carbohydrates are high energy compounds. Carbohydrates – action and roleTypes […]