Many women are unsuccessfully struggling with excess kilograms over years of neglect. And here comes the answer, why it is so hard to get rid of "bacon", folds and other imperfections. Years of unhealthy eating can not be erased for a few weeks on a diet. The best bodybuilders devote their whole lives to achieving the form, sometimes literally, when they die as a result of complications of extreme dehydration (dehydration affects even the muscles, nervous system, circulatory system, kidneys).
Unfortunately, numerous studies show that !
Up to 50% of lost body fat returns within one month after discontinuation of a restrictive diet! Extreme reduction diet has a negative effect on the thyroid, which leads to slowing down the resting metabolism (this at least partly explains why the adipose tissue is regained). For example, smaller caloric restriction, eg supplying 20 kcal per kg of body mass, decreases metabolism by more than 10% within 3 months! Restricted diets are not balanced, causing numerous hormonal disturbances (deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, essential fats eg from group O -3 etc.).
"Up to 50% of lost body fat returns within one month after discontinuation of a restrictive diet!"
A similar diet has a negative effect on the thyroid, which leads to a slower resting metabolism (this at least partly explains why the adipose tissue is regained). For example, smaller caloric restriction, eg delivery of 20 kcal per kg body weight, bring a fall in metabolism over 10% within 3 months!
Restrictive diets are not balanced, which causes numerous hormonal disorders (deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, essential fats from the Omega-3 group, etc.).
"But my weight is getting smaller, so I'm on the right track to lose weight!"
Nothing more wrong. The bodybuilders have mastered the art of manipulating the water content in the body to perfection. Sometimes they use fluid restriction (eg Dave Palumbo suggests 12-14-hour limitation of the supply of fluids before the start) Diuretics, limit the supply of sodium (e.g. salt in the diet), some discontinued during the recent rhGH preparation (due to edema). In the case of women who do not use pharmacology, the greatest fluid retention was observed at the beginning of menstruation (which to the astonishment of the researchers is not related to the concentrations of progesterone or estradiol, because at this point their concentrations are negligible). Fluid retention was the lowest in the middle of the follicular phase, and then increased over the following days to reach a higher level of 11 days around ovulation. However, hormones administered in supra physiological concentrations very often lead to much larger disorders, hypertension and fluid retention. Both estradiol and progesterone can affect thirst control, fluid intake, sodium intake and sodium levels in the body. Estrogens and progesterone increase the absorption of sodium in the kidneys. Estrogens appear to increase and progesterone decrease plasma volume.

In short, why the weight lies?
It is possible to lose 5-10 kg of body weight within a few days, but it is water manipulation (28 l intracellular fluid + 14 liters in the extracellular fluid); Changes can be obtained using diuretics, sauna, fluid restriction, exercise in a too warm outfit, etc. It is also possible to manipulate the supply of food, which explains rapid weight loss in the first days of a restrictive diet. The changes usually occur without the slightest change in content of subcutaneous, visceral fat (around internal organs, in the torso) and intramuscular fat.
it is possible to lose 5-10 kg of body weight within a few days, but it is water manipulation (28 l intracellular fluid + 14 liters in the extracellular fluid); 5 Changes can be obtained using diuretics, sauna, fluid restriction, exercise in a too warm outfit etc.,
It is also possible to manipulate the supply of food, which explains the rapid decreases in body weight in the first days of a restrictive diet.
The above changes usually occur without the slightest changes in the content of subcutaneous, visceral fat (around the internal organs, in the torso) and intramuscular fat.
Unfortunately, often women training in the gym (and very often those in body occupations) pharmacologically support and I am not talking only about SAA, but about beta-agonists (eg salbutamol, formoterol, clenbuterol), indirect agents acting on alpha and beta receptors (eg ephedrine) drugs (e.g. adipex, sibutramine), thyroid hormones (eg T3), GHRP (peptides affecting growth hormone), IGF-1, insulin or SARMs. Under such conditions, the body "forgives" really serious dietary mistakes. When it comes to photos published on social networking sites (eg on facebook), this is magic ... photoshop. Photoshop is an Adobe program for graphic processing, containing dozens of filters, allowing you to work on layers, to smooth the skin, reduce wrinkles, crop the image, change the appearance of the person, eye color, enlargement of the buttocks and breast, etc. Unfortunately, for photos of women with very low level of body fat compared to the general population (i.e. less than 12-14%) is often a fraud and the presentation of a "new better me", but all this thanks to the work of computer graphics. Sometimes women with phenomenal genetic predispositions can afford a poor diet (ice cream, cakes, highly processed products), which does not make them fat. Only 99% of other women who do not have such high levels of androgens, IGF-1 or thyroid hormones would build McDonald's nutrition in these conditions.
What to look for when choosing a diet
You are different from your friends. First, consult a good specialist, very often "super nutrition counseling" involves the rotation of 3 food plans at 1200, 1400 and 1500 kcal. The client receives a copy of the program that is not suited to it in any way.
You are different from your friends.
You probably will not be able to maintain a long-varied and unmatched diet! Even the most desperate bodybuilder would finally give up eating the same meals every day.
You probably will not be able to maintain a long-varied and unmatched diet!
You need to adapt your diet to your activity related to work and training. The supply of carbohydrates, proteins or fats is completely different for a person running 6-10 km a day, and physically inactive, spending time behind the desk and in the car. Different for a teenager, different for a woman over 60 years old! If a "specialist" (supposedly a dietitian) gives you only "standard diet template no. 01 per 1200 kcal per day" without considering a number of variables, then look for another professional.
You need to adapt your diet to your activity related to work and training.
You need to adjust your diet to your hormonal profile and health status (and here you often need more sophisticated thyroid diagnostics, eg TSH, liver - enzymes, kidneys, e.g glomerular filtration, hearts - exercise tests, pancreases - glycemia, e.g. fasting glucose, inflammation) - acute phase proteins and proinflammatory cytokines, etc.).
You need to adjust your diet to your hormonal profile and health status
Some diets are dangerous to health. The more extreme the solution, the more it is more dangerous in terms of glycemic disorders, not the supply of key vitamins, trace elements, etc.
Some diets are dangerous to health
Beware of "uncles good advice" who without analyzing health data immediately suggest a ton of suspected drugs from Asia. Many times such "alternative therapies" destroyed the thyroid (a large supply of iodine in the diet), in turn other kidneys (aristocholic acid, a nephrotoxic alkaloid contained in slimming Chinese herbs). Generally, it turns out that many Chinese herbs are contaminated with pharmacology and heavy metals, so their use is not the best idea (they can even cause cancerous changes).