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Because of its health-promoting properties and a unique taste, coconut is used in even bigger range of products. The unique composition of fatty acids has a beneficial influence on the condition of the entire body system. The latest studies indicate even that the coconut oil helps to burn the adipose tissue as it increases energy expenditure. You just need to replace the fats you are using with the coconut oil and you will enjoy a perfect body shape. 

The content of coconut oil consists mainly of medium- and short-chain saturated fatty acids. Its basic component is lauric acid which can have a fantastic effect on the increase of immunity. It exhibits antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal properties and, contrary to antibiotics, it doesn't destroy the good bacterial flora of the human organism.

A high content of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) makes coconut oil an easily digested product which helps to control body mass and whose components constitute a source of "quick" energy for the organism. 

Coconut oil is the only one that can be used safely as a heating medium during the process of heat treatment or as an independent dish component. That is possible thanks to coconut oil's unique thermostability. That property makes it perfect for frying in high temperatures: there is only a very small amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids which are converted to harmful substances when treated with high temperatures. Other advantages of frying in coconut oil is the fantastic aroma and the fact that it does not change the taste of the other components.

It is worth remembering that all health benefits resulting from consuming coconut oil concern only unrefined products, which can be found in our shop. 

In the category “coconut products” you will find all our products whose main ingredient is coconut. In our rich offer everyone will find something for oneself. 

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