Lypolytic / Xtreme focus agent, complex substances of plant origin, proprietary formulation manufacturer, involved in metabolic processes supporting the functioning of the nervous system and the burning of fatty acids. The components of the complex are acetylated amino acids (tyrosine, cysteine), extracts of Ginkgo biloba and roseroot and caffeine. Tyrosine is a precursor of dopamine (a neurotransmitter) and norepinephrine affecting the nervous system, blood which increase lipolysis and glycogenolysis, and provides a dye (melamine). Cysteine ( endogenous amino acid) is involved in the detoxification of the body, and involved in the synthesis of glutathione, and proteins and enzymes. Ginkgo biloba, a rich source of flavonoids, proanthocyanidins and terpenes, supporting the cardiovascular system, concentration and memory. Rhodiola rosea (synonym: golden root) contains biologically active ingredients (such as flavonoids, polyphenols), in sports supplementation used in the form of extracts regenerating psycho-physical capacity after exercising immunity psychophysical. Caffeine (a purine alkaloid), thermogenic effect, blocking adenosine receptors, fights fatigue and allows for working activation, increasing the exercise capacity and accelerating post-workout recovery. Lypolytic / Xtreme focus agent co-creates the formula of preparation Garpari Nutrition Super Pump 250, available at