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Sleep n 'SLIM Complex is a multi-component complex components supporting reduction of body fat during the rest of the night (contrary to prevailing opinion, that the rest does not cause loss of energy, energy expenditure one hour of sleep is between 50-70kcal). The purpose of the complex is the intensification of energy expenditure and accelerates fat reduction. The components of the complex are: extract the seeds griffonii (Griffonia Seed Extracttempo), gamma-amino-butyric acid, extract of valerian (valerian), an extract of dandelion and L-theanine. Griffonia Seed Extracttempo is the source of 5-HTP (5-HTP) is a metabolite of essential amino acid, tryptophan involved in the synthesis of serotonin which is a neurotransmitter and a hormone responsible for the quality of sleep (melatonin). Used in medicine as an adjunct to a small extent the treatment of depression and insomnia. Due to the presence of melatonin improve sleep quality and at the same time improving the regeneration process. 5-HTP is included in preparations supporting growth hormone. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis), which medicinal raw material is the root and rhizome is a rich source of active ingredients that influence the sedation, sleep quality, operating antispasmodic, without side effects. Taraxum officinale extract - an extract of dandelion (dandelion) has diuretic properties and Bile acts on smooth muscle relaxant and protectively on the liver, affects the metabolism of insulin and digestive system function. Used in body mass reduction programs (releasing excess fluids). Part of the weight loss preparations. With the long-term adoption it is recommended to supplement the basic electrolytes. Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) amino acid (neurotransmittersuppressant), formed of glutamate (neurotransmitter excitation) reduces the tension psychophysical enhances the synthesis of growth hormone. L-theanine (N-Ethyl-L-glutamine) is an amino acid notbuilding proteins occurring in the natural state of the dried green tea leaves (green tea), absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, overcoming easily blood-brain barrier, affecting the nervous system and relations between neurotransmitters (e.g. dopamine, setononin, gamma-aminobutyric acid), with a relaxing effect and increases the psycho-physical exercise capacity (concentration, memory, alertness). Sleep n 'SLIM Complex is included, inter alia, in the preparation Controlled Labs Reduction, available at

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