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Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is an herbal plant (a perennial plant growing wild or cultivated), the mediacal raw material is valerian root (Radix Valerianae) and its rhizome (Rhizoma Valerianae cum radicibus), rich in various active ingredients: flavonoids (hesperidin, 6-methylapigenin ), terpenes (pinene, felandren), monoterpenes diterpenes, sesquiterpenes (valerenal, maaliol) glycoside triterpenoid, monoterpenoid alkaloids, essential oils, organic acids, phenols and alcohols, and mineral salts, sedating (improving the quality of sleep), antispasmodics, antiepileptic and mildly psychotropic, do not cause side effects. In the sports supplementation used in preparations to facilitate sleep and to facilitate night recovery (growth hormone booster) available at
Dosage:. Depending on the type of raw material

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